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Looking to upgrade, but not ready to build?

Building a new home is an exciting process, but it requires an investment of both time and money before you are able to settle in your dream home.  Typically taking a full year from design to final walk through.

We recognize that in life there is a time and a season for everything.  That doesn't mean you have to sacrifice energy efficiency and a home that is healthier and more comfortable.

Experience to Give You Peace of Mind

When you choose Northwest Energy Team, you will have peace of mind knowing you’re home is in the hands of building science end energy efficiency experts who have a solid track record of helping homeowners like you enjoy the benefits of a healthier, more comfortable home that costs less to heat and cool.



Make the Most of the Home You Already Own

If you are not quite ready to build a home from scratch, our sister company, Northwest Energy Team can help you remodel or upgrade your existing home.


Drawing from our extensive knowledge of building science, we know what it takes to transform an older home.  One that is drafty and cold in the winter and too hot and stuffy in the summer, into a home of just the right temperature year round.  Saving you money on energy bills.

What Makes a Home Comfortable and Efficient

Based on building science, a solid energy efficient home depends on four things.  We call them The 4 Pillars of an Energy Efficient Home.  They are:


  1. Air Sealing

  2. Ventilation

  3. Insulation

  4. Cost Efficient Heat

We Stop Leaks Where They Start

We start by looking at a home and pinpointing the problem areas.  Depending on your unique home and budget, we give recommendations to give you the most benefit from your investment in a weatherization or remodel upgrade. 

For example, if you want to upgrade from a furnace to a more efficient Ductless Heat Pump, we may recommend that you spend a little bit on air sealing or insulation so you can buy a smaller heat pump. 

You’ll save on the initial cost of the unit and on the monthly cost to run it. And you won’t be heating the outdoors!

Our house is made of concrete so it can be cool, especially in the winter. The ductless heat pump keeps our home at a comfortable, constant temperature.

Norm in Olympia

The first thing I want you to know is that my Puget Sound Energy bills are almost halved compared to last year’s. The ductless heat pumps heat my small home up to a comfortable temperature really quickly. I don’t notice the sound of it working. I don’t notice the interior unit; it just kind of blends in.

Reid in Olympia

We just got the units installed this September (2012) and didn’t get a chance to see how they worked until the first rainstorm this fall. We were plenty cozy on every floor of our home. I was a little concerned how the interior heads would look — they’re not that attractive — but I don’t really notice them any more.

Patrick in Olympia

I have already earned back the cost of the ductless heat pump with my energy savings. For years I have used both electric and propane to heat my home. During the 2010/2011 winter, I had bills upwards of $800 a month. This last winter (2011/2012) I didn’t go over $160 a month. You add that savings to the utility and Federal rebates I got, my ductless heat pump is completely paid for.

Gay Lynn in Shelton

My PSE bill for December was $100 less than last year! Thanks for all that you and your guys did with the weatherization!

Mary in Lacey

In the winter you could feel the air temperature variances when you moved from room to room. I’d spend all winter on the couch in a nest of electric blankets. NET installed a ductless heat pump in my living room. I thought the look of it would really mess up the way my room looks but I don’t even see it now. My living area is evenly heated, the heater is quiet and my electric bills are low. Next I want to add a DHP in my bedroom (there’s a long, funky hallway leading back to it) and an industrial one in my commercial building. I love it!


The air conditioning setting is, of course, wonderful during those 10 hot days we get in August. But the heater is marvelous. It makes the whole home comfortable.


Our master bedroom is on the main floor. Because we like our bedroom cooler, we close off the room in the afternoon and crack open the window. At night the temperature is perfect for sleeping. In the morning we walk out into the kitchen and living room and it’s just the right temperature.

Pat in Lacey

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